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How to Make Eggs in a Toaster Oven Like a Pro?

how to make eggs in a toaster oven

Toaster Oven Basics

Toaster ovens come in different shapes and sizes, from basic to advanced convection ovens. Here are some common types:

  1. Basic toaster ovens
  2. Convection toaster ovens
  3. Infrared toaster ovens
  4. Smart toaster ovens

Each type is good for cooking eggs. For example, convection toaster ovens circulate hot air which helps cook eggs more evenly.

Egg cooking features

When cooking eggs in a toaster oven look for:

These will make a big difference in getting eggs cooked to perfection every time.

Temperature and accuracy

Temperature control is key to cooking eggs. Many toaster ovens have a built in thermometer but it’s good to double check with an oven thermometer. This will ensure you’re cooking at the right temperature for your desired egg consistency.

Tools and Ingredients

Baking dish

The right baking dish can make or break your toaster oven egg experience. Choose from:

Make sure the dish fits your toaster oven with enough space for air to circulate.

Good quality eggs

Fresh and high quality eggs make a big difference in taste and texture. Look for:

When I can, I use eggs from my neighbor’s chickens. The taste is amazing, and I know exactly where they come from.

Extra tools for better results

To take your toaster oven eggs to the next level consider:

I find silicone egg rings are super useful when I want to make egg sandwiches with a round shape.

Toaster Oven Preparation


Preheating is crucial for consistency. Follow these steps:

  1. Set your toaster oven to the desired temperature
  2. Let it preheat for at least 5-10 minutes
  3. Use an oven thermometer to check the temperature

I find giving my toaster oven a few extra minutes to preheat gives me more even eggs.

Rack position

Rack position affects how your eggs cook. Generally:

Try different rack positions to see what works best for your favorite egg recipes.

Egg cooking environment

To create the perfect egg cooking environment:

I like to put a small dish of water in the toaster oven when baking egg dishes. It adds humidity and prevents the eggs from drying out.

Toaster Oven Egg Methods

Sunny-side up eggs

To make sunny-side up eggs in a toaster oven:

  1. 350°F (175°C)
  2. Grease a small oven safe dish
  3. Crack the egg into the dish
  4. 3-5 minutes or until the white is set and the yolk is still runny

I love making sunny-side up eggs this way when I want a hands-off breakfast.

Over-easy and over-hard eggs

For over-easy or over-hard eggs:

  1. Follow the steps for sunny-side up eggs
  2. Once the white is set, flip the egg
  3. 1-2 minutes for over-easy, 3-4 minutes for over-hard

Flipping eggs in a toaster oven can be tricky so I often use a small spatula for non-stick cookware.

Scrambled eggs and omelets

To make scrambled eggs or omelets:

  1. Whisk eggs in a bowl with salt and pepper
  2. Pour into a greased oven safe dish
  3. 350°F (175°C), stir every 2-3 minutes
  4. Remove when eggs are set but still slightly moist

For omelets, add fillings halfway through cooking and fold when nearly done.

Baked Egg Recipes

Frittatas and quiches

Frittatas and quiches are great for toaster oven cooking:

  1. Prepare your egg mixture with fillings
  2. Pour into a greased pie dish or cast iron skillet
  3. 350°F (175°C) 20-25 minutes or until set

I make a frittata on Sunday and have easy, reheatable breakfasts all week.

Egg cups and muffins

For individual servings try egg cups or muffins:

  1. Grease a muffin tin or use silicone cups
  2. Fill each cup 2/3 full of beaten eggs and mix-ins
  3. 350°F (175°C) 15-20 minutes

These are great for meal prep and can be customized for any taste.

Casseroles and stratas

Egg casseroles and stratas for a crowd:

  1. Layer bread, eggs, cheese and other ingredients in a baking dish
  2. Refrigerate overnight if desired
  3. 350°F (175°C) 30-40 minutes or until golden and set

I like to make a strata when I have guests staying over. It’s an easy way to serve a great breakfast with minimal morning prep.

Toaster Oven Egg Timing and Temperature

Yolk consistency

For different yolk consistencies:

Egg Consistency Temperature Cooking Time
Runny 350°F (175°C) 3-4 minutes
Medium 350°F (175°C) 5-6 minutes
Firm 350°F (175°C) 7-8 minutes

Keep in mind cooking times may vary with your toaster oven.

Overcooking and rubbery texture

To avoid rubbery eggs:

I’ve learned it’s better to undercook slightly and let the residual heat finish the job.

Cooking multiple eggs

When cooking more eggs:

Cooking larger quantities of eggs can be a bit of a trial and error.

Flavor and Presentation

Seasonings and herb combinations

Try these seasonings:

I like to add fresh herbs from my garden, chives or basil, just before serving.

Veggies and cheese

Pre-cooking veggies ensures they’re tender and reduces excess moisture in your egg dishes.

Garnish and plating

Make your eggs look as good as they taste:

I find serving eggs on a warm plate helps keep them warm and makes for a better meal.

Common Problems

Uneven cooking

If you notice uneven cooking:

I’ve found getting to know your toaster oven’s hot spots is key to even results.

Sticking and burning

To avoid sticking and burning:

Cooking spray works wonders for sticking.

Altitude and humidity

At high altitude or in humid conditions:

I live in a humid climate so I’ve learned to use less milk in my quiche recipes.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Post cooking cleanup

For easy cleanup:

I clean my toaster oven after every use to prevent buildup and keep it working.

Regular maintenance for best performance

Keep your toaster oven in top condition:

Regular maintenance has kept my toaster oven working like new for years.

How to extend the life of your toaster oven

To make your toaster oven last:

I’ve had this toaster oven for over 5 years and it’s been working great.


Cooking eggs in a toaster oven is a great way to breakfast, lunch or dinner. Now you know your toaster oven, the equipment and the techniques to make perfect eggs every time. Try out different recipes and methods to find your favorites and don’t be afraid to get wild with seasonings and add-ins.


Q1. Can I cook eggs directly on the toaster oven tray?

No. Always use an oven safe dish for best results and ease of cleanup.

Q2. How long do eggs take to cook in a toaster oven?

Times vary depending on method and doneness but generally 3-25 minutes.

Q3. Can I poach eggs in a toaster oven?

Yes, but it’s tricky. Use silicone poaching cups filled with water.

Q4. Is it safe to cook eggs in a toaster oven?

Yes as long as you use the right cookware and follow food safety guidelines for egg cooking temps.

Q5. How do I know my eggs are done in the toaster oven?

Whites are set and yolk is to your liking. Use a food thermometer if unsure.

Read more blog: How Many Watts is a Toaster? A Comprehensive Guide

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